Support Services for Aging Seniors

You have come to the right place if you are looking to solve the challenges facing your aging family member. If they are in a crisis or are simply looking for an answer to a question, our council team can help you.

The members of our council represent a wealth of information, knowledge and advice to help you with eldercare issues or generally with any issues that aging seniors face. We have "been there and done that" many times, not only with our own loved ones but on countless occasions with members of our community. We assist individuals in the community who can't seem to find what they are looking for even after numerous phone calls and exhaustive internet searches.

Perhaps you are looking for sources of funds to help you pay for unforeseen expenses, or for help with veterans benefits, or understanding services provided by Medicare and Medicaid. Maybe you need someone to assist you in the home or provide maintenance or yard care or maybe you need advice on finding a long term care community for you or a loved one. Maybe you need legal work, or financial planning or home care services or tax advice or advice on dealing with other members of the family in a caregiving situation. We can provide all of that and much more.

Contact Us for Help and Information

How We Can Help You | Articles and Videos on Aging | Assessments



Kelly Gonzales
Kelly Gonzales

Pacific Senior Care Services LLC

Phone: (925) 407-4721

Faisal Kakar
Faisal Kakar


Phone: (925) 330-5778

Welcome to the San Francisco Bay Elder Planning Council, a support service for aging seniors.

You have come to the right place if you are looking to solve the challenges facing your aging family member. If they are in a crisis or are simply looking for an answer to a question, our council team can help you.


Kelly Gonzales
Kelly Gonzales

Pacific Senior Care Services LLC

Phone: (925) 407-4721

Faisal Kakar
Faisal Kakar


Phone: (925) 330-5778

The members of our council represent a wealth of information, knowledge and advice to help you with eldercare issues or generally with any issues that aging seniors face. We have "been there and done that" many times, not only with our own loved ones but on countless occasions with members of our community. We assist individuals in the community who can't seem to find what they are looking for even after numerous phone calls and exhaustive internet searches.

Perhaps you are looking for sources of funds to help you pay for unforeseen expenses, or for help with veterans benefits, or understanding services provided by Medicare and Medicaid. Maybe you need someone to assist you in the home or provide maintenance or yard care or maybe you need advice on finding a long term care community for you or a loved one. Maybe you need legal work, or financial planning or home care services or tax advice or advice on dealing with other members of the family in a caregiving situation. We can provide all of that and much more.

Contact Us for Help and Information